Values that unite us

CROSSCALL is first and foremost a human adventure, with men and women who have joined the company over the years to contribute their ideas, talents and energy.

Working at CROSSCALL means sharing values and adhering to a common DNA. At CROSSCALL, differences are not seen as barriers, but as assets that blend into the collective and bind our team together.


From the outset, boldness has been an integral part of CROSCCALL, and the foundation stone on which the brand was built.

In the mobile industry, is it possible to exist alongside the global giants? Surprising as it may seem, Crosscall has risen to the challenge with a clear differentiating argument: to offer a sustainable and responsible alternative.
Daring to break free from established codes, to think and act as you wish, opens up a prodigious field of possibilities.
And are you an audacious person?


At CROSSCALL, one of our prides is to forge and maintain a strong bond with all our employees. No one goes it alone, and our corporate objectives are achieved together.

Creative intelligence workshops, team sports, seminars, conferences... so many opportunities to meet in a different way and strengthen the bonds that make us strong.
And you, is team cohesion a criterion of fulfillment at work?


For our company, thinking ahead is second nature. From the outset, we have made it our mission to extend the life of our products. It seems obvious to us that this notion of sustainability is just as valuable in human relations. That's why we take care of it.
Would you like to make a long-term commitment to us?

Key figures

to March 31, 2024


of women on the CODIR


Average age 38
38% women / 62% men


index equality

1 - Pay gap: 33/40 (a 6.5% gap in favor of men)
2 - Increase rate differential: 35/35 (8.9% difference in favor of women)
3 - Return from maternity leave: 15/15
4 - Top 10 salaries: 5/10

What's not to like about Crosscall?
Discover your future working environment

Your personal development is at the heart of our ambition. That's why we welcome you to our warm, modern and friendly premises.

Comfortable in your sneakers

You can take part in professional sports classes (thanks to Teddy, our sports coach) and enjoy the benefits of our yoga, boxing and TRX classes...
Our gym is open from 7 a.m. for early risers. Whether you're in Aix or Paris, in the office or working from home, you can also take part in our video sessions.

Being sporty is our trademark. That's why, every year, the company takes part in events where our Crosscalliens shine with their sporting exploits.


of our employees
use the gym

"When I joined Crosscall, I wasn't at all sporty. The team spirit, the encouragement of my colleagues and our coach Teddy really made me want to take up sport. Today, I really enjoy taking the classes - I'm there every week!"

Alexandre Straumann, Product Manager, Aix-en-Provence, France

The cherry on top?

Every week, varied and balanced meals, prepared by a local restaurateur, are delivered directly to your office. These lunches are partly subsidized by the company.

There are always good reasons to get together

Two seminars a year are held in exceptional locations, providing an opportunity to share in the highlights of the year and to get together for fun and convivial activities.

"Getting together with our staff from head office and other sites at the last seminar was a real pleasure. It allows us to maintain a strong bond between teams on both a professional and personal level."

Jan NG, finance and administration manager in Hong Kong