Customer case TOUPARGEL

"By replacing our delivery drivers' equipment with Crosscall products, we have complied with the regulations and their business practices."

600 000
customer households
drivers equipped with Crosscall solutions

You're in charge of IT projects, what was your assignment?
I worked on the renewal of equipment for our delivery drivers, i.e. almost 700 people in 113 agencies
. The project lasted 2 years. The idea was to replace obsolete equipment in order to comply with regulations and business practices.
Can you tell us about the organization of your mobile terminal fleet?
Previously, delivery drivers were using unconnected equipment via a palmtop computer, which enabled them to check orders and items, manage deliveries and cash customers. The multitude of payment methods made management complicated, and we had to comply with the NF525 standard on writing traceability.
Added to this was a GPS for which map updates were not optimal. You can imagine the ordeal for delivery drivers who couldn't find their customer's address!
The delivery driver is our shop window. They're the only direct contact we have with our customers. So it was a real challenge to equip our teams with the right equipment.