TOUPARGEL case study

« Delivery staff are our public face!
They are our only direct contact with customers. They need to be properly equipped »

600 000





You are in charge of IT projects. What was your role here?
I worked on the renewal of our delivery staff’s equipment, which involved 700 people working in our 113 delivery branches. It was a two-year project.
The idea was to replace obsolete devices in order to comply with regulations and professional use.

How is your fleet of mobile devices organised?
Previously, delivery staff worked on an unconnected system using a hand-held computer that allowed them to check orders, products, manage deliveries and receive payment from customers. The multitude of payment methods made the system complicated to manage and we needed to comply with the NF525 standard on accounting traceability.
Then there was the GPS, which had a less-than-perfect map updating system. You can imagine what a nightmare it was for delivery staff when they couldn’t find their customers’ address!
It’s important to remember that our delivery staff are our public face. They are our only direct contact with customers. So it was very important to make sure our teams were supplied with the right equipment.


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