SEENOVIA customer case
"Our employees' main digital tool in the field is the cell phone."
dairy farms
(from the 6000 farms zone)
You're an IT project manager, what's your job?
It's important to remember that our employees' main digital tool in the field is their cell phone. So we have to provide them with an effective tool that can withstand their daily lives, while at the same time providing them with high-performance business applications.
How is your cell phone fleet organized?
We have a fleet of around 650 mobiles, more than half of which are equipped with Crosscall products. The rest is made up of "non-rugged"
phones and a few tablets.
So, who has been equipped with Crosscall solutions?
Our "INDICATORS" department. Their job is to retrieve data from the farms: milk analysis and quality, invoicing data, raw material costs.